CTO.ai Insights Launch Campaign

In 2021, CTO.ai launched a new feature of the Developer Control Plane, Insights: real-time product delivery insight for development teams. To promote this new feature, we did a launch on Product Hunt. I created all of the visual assets to support this launch, including the images for the product page, the animated video, and the webpage for the marketing website.

When we launched CTO.ai Insights on Product Hunt on February 3rd, 2021, we produced a video to accompany the product page. This video intends to highlight the main features of the insights platform as well as surface how the product leverages DORA Metrics to give engineering teams better visibility on their workflows.
Lead Designer, Motion Graphics Designer
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Figma
Product Hunt Launch Image Assets

Overall, the launch resulted in 228 upvotes, 20 comments, and ranked #17 that day.

CTO.ai Insights Feature Video

In addition to the static visual assets, I also produced a video to accompany the product page on Product Hunt and the webpage. This video intends to highlight the main features of the insights platform as well as surface how the product leverages DORA Metrics to give engineering teams better visibility on their workflows.

Insights: The easiest way to measure DORA Metrics - Webpage

To highlight the functionality of the feature further, I designed an accompanying webpage on our marketing website to showcase how Insights utilizes the four key metrics from DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) and the benefits of implementing it for developer teams.

This page is currently live on the CTO.ai website, see it here.

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